Coronavirus Update Blog Cover

Coronavirus Update

The coronavirus is affecting our entire country, and there are numerous ways to slow the spread of this virus. We at Muay Thai Kickboxing Gym are taking the recommended steps, and we encourage you to do so as well. Below we go into further detail about the steps you can take to keep your friends safe, as well as how MTKG is responding to this viruses outbreak.

Slow the Spread of Coronavirus

Both the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization have pages on their site dedicated to sharing information regarding the coronavirus. It is important for all of us to stay informed during this time of uncertainty. According to both organizations, there are a number of ways to protect yourself, those around you, and slow the spread of this virus. First, wash your hands regularly. Soap and water are recommended, but hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol is effective as well. Second, practice social distancing. Avoiding close contact with others is the most important way to slow the spread of this virus across our country. Third, cover all of your coughs and sneezes. Fourth, stay home if you do not feel well. Only leave if you feel you need to seek medical attention. Fifth, clean and disinfect regularly touched areas often. This includes light switches, doorknobs, counters, desks, keyboards, etc. It is important we all follow these steps to ensure we are not the cause of spreading this virus even further in our communities.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, regularly check the CDC and WHO websites.

Muay Thai Kickboxing Gym’s Response

Due to recent updates from Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti, an order has been signed limiting gatherings for the next couple weeks. Because of this order, Muay Thai Kickboxing Gym has been closed to the public. However, MTKG plans on re-opening on Friday, March 31st. We are offering to pause memberships for the time being until everyone’s financial positions return to normal.

Now more than ever, you need a strong immune system. This starts with a healthy diet and regular exercise. At MTKG, we believe continuing exercise is essential during this crisis. We are now offering live workouts on our Instagram page that you can follow along with from your own home. We are also posting at-home workouts to our IGTV page that you can follow and look back to at any time. All workouts are fairly short so they will not take up much of your time but are still very effective for you.

Our members mean the world to us, and we want to help in any way we can. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us by phone at +1 818-982-2790, or by email at Stay home and stay healthy!

About the author : Slvex

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